First date?


Suzuki Vitara

Suzuki Vitara

Build Dates

Jan 2023 - onwards

On Sale Dates

Jan 2023 - onwards

Vehicle Type

Small SUV

Engine/Fuel Type

Petrol / diesel vehicles

Price Bracket


ANCAP Safety Rating


ANCAP Safety

Suzuki Vitara vehicles built from 1 January 2023 are UNRATED.

A five star ANCAP safety rating applies to Suzuki Vitara vehicles built prior to 1 January 2023. The safety rating information relevant to rated vehicles can be found using the SEARCH and FILTER function.

ANCAP endeavours to test a broad range of popular models sold in Australia and New Zealand, and new safety ratings & gradings are added to the ANCAP website regularly.

If a rating for this model becomes available, full details on in its safety performance will be added to this page.